How do I manage matters

Manage all matters from a single source of truth


Gain full control over matters with streamlined matter management

Track, manage, and optimize legal matters from inception to resolution.

  • Centralize all matter data for real-time visibility into progress, costs, and outcomes.
  • Standardize workflows to ensure consistency and efficiency across legal projects.
  • Monitor budgets, scope, and performance to prevent cost overruns and delays.
  • Improve collaboration with external counsel through transparent matter tracking.

Interact with your data in natural language using GenAI

Get meaningful insights from your data without requiring technical knowledge.

  • Ask continuous in progress data questions in natural language and get instant results
  • Avoid budget surprises with continuously updated in-progress legal spend data and alerts
  • Track KPI trends, scope and performance. Build alerts and reports to drive better decisions and outcomes
  • Use the latest AI to forecast and alert based on continuous data

Forecast, budget and report on billed and unbilled spend

Set budgets and use the unique continuous unbilled data in Apperio to accurately forecast and avoid overspend.

  • Drill down and report consistently on spend by practice area, department, law firm, fee-earner, project, region and more.
  • Take corrective actions where necessary to stay within budgets and prevent unexpected overspend.
  • Create reliable budgets and forecast your future costs with confidence

See legal work whilst its taking place

See how your law firms are performing with Apperio's continuous visibility of line item time entries, direct from your law firms' practice management systems.

  • Ensure scope and costs stay aligned by setting meaningful KPIs that you can monitor and be alerted on.
  • Ensure you are not being over-charged and improve your trust in law firm billing.
  • Focus on value-based conversations instead of being limited to just querying invoices.
  • Strengthen your relationships and improve collaboration with outside counsel.

Manage matters with Apperio

See Apperio matter management in action

Demo dashboard preview img - Main BG
Demo insights preview img - Spend summary
Demo insights preview img - Budgets
Demo insights preview img - Spend buckets
Demo insights preview img - Main BG
Demo insights preview img - Spend LF
Demo insights preview img - Rates
Demo insights preview img - Overbudget
Standalone - matters management

Matter management

  • Monitor your spend by matter, or law firm, with visibility of total spend liability (both real accruals/WIP, and billed) continuously.
  • Drill down into months, or law firms, right down to the actual ledger of line item time entries direct from your law firms time and billing systems
  • See advanced data for both billed and in progress data such as actual rates and staffing to proactively manage matters as they are in progress
  • See exactly how much you’ve spent and how much ongoing time is on the clock in your selected date range, to prevent unexpected surprises at the invoice stage.

Apperio Insights AI

Interact with your matter data in natural language using GenAI.


  • Use GenAI to get easy to access meaningful insights into you matters as they progress
  • Ask continuous in progress data questions in natural language and get instant results
  • Avoid budget surprises with continuously updated in-progress legal spend data and alerts
  • Track KPI trends, scope and performance. Build alerts and reports to drive better decisions and outcomes
  • Use the latest AI to forecast and alert based on continuous data
Insights - LF spend
Insights - Average rate
Insights - Matters open
Insights - Recent searches
Insights - Over budget matters
Insights - Total Q1 spend
Matter management & budgets

Budget management

  • Set budgets for individual matters or rolled up projects and track how your spend is performing against them, to control costs and forecast effectively.
  • Gain insights on your historic and in-progress projects, from the amount of work done to the details of invoices and individual time entries

A legal team has a specific focus – and it isn’t necessarily finance. They have a piece of work and they have to get it done. As a finance professional, I have to know what costs I’m looking at. With Apperio, we have the data to work together.

The key point is that there is a degree of clarity when both sides can see where the time is spent more precisely. Rather than having to say, ‘please send me reams and reams of information’, you can see it in Apperio almost immediately. And not just when the money’s already been spent.

Two years ago, we had to ask externally how much we were spending - an unsatisfactory situation for any organisation. Now at the click of a mouse we can see exactly how much we spend with each firm, in real time, on particular work types across the country. That’s a very different, and better, place to be.

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