Apperio is sponsoring the GC Leadership Summit

Apperio brings transparency to the legal function for the first time. Apperio’s secure, cloud-based analytics solution enables in-house lawyers to effortlessly track and analyse legal spend across all law firms, in real-time, in one place – making sense of every firm, matter, task or billable hour and saving time through automated processes.
By making work-in-progress visible and giving General Counsels comprehensible, real-time insight, we’re helping them hold their legal panels to account. Equally, we’re helping pioneering law firms to demonstrate value and develop transparent new business models.
For the first time, GCs can become a strategic contributor to their business. Data for transparency, accuracy and actionable insight. Every other branch of corporate life has it. With Apperio, the legal team has it, too.
Visit the Apperio stand at the GC Leadership Summit to ask our experts for a demo.